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About Rolf Stange and this website

Born in 1973 in West Ger­many, I start­ed trav­el­ling to the north in 1993 and have nev­er stopped it since. I stud­ied geog­ra­phy and geol­o­gy first in Mün­ster, lat­er in Bonn and fin­ished in 2002 with a »Diplom«. Now I am liv­ing in a glacial moraine land­scape south of Ros­tock, not too far from the Baltic Sea coast.

I have been in Spits­ber­gen at least once per year since 1997, ini­tial­ly start­ing with guid­ing hik­ing and trekking trips for a spe­cialised Ger­man com­pa­ny. Since then, a great num­ber of long ski­ing and hik­ing expe­di­tions and ship-based expe­di­tion-style cruis­es in the Arc­tic and Antarc­tic have fol­lowed, and there will be more, that is for sure.

My voy­ages to the Arc­tic have includ­ed a num­ber of vis­its to Jan Mayen. This is what start­ed my inter­est for the island and why I final­ly cre­at­ed this web­site and wrote the book, which I have not (yet) trans­lat­ed into any oth­er lan­guage – sorry…

Rolf Stange (2010)


last modification: 2021-08-01
copyright: Rolf Stange