Jan Mayen
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Dag­ny­hau­gen (“Dag­ny-Hill”) is a small­er par­a­sitic crater, 146 metres high, in Ekerold­dalen, the most com­mon route for attempts to climb Beeren­berg. Dag­ny-Hau­gen is direct­ly next to Eskkrateret, a crater seen and climbed by the famous whaler and dis­cov­er­er William Scores­by, who named it after his ship, the “Esk of Whit­by”. Both Dag­ny­hau­gen and Eskkrateret make a mor­pho­log­i­cal­ly fresh impres­sion and are cer­tain­ly young, geo­log­i­cal­ly speak­ing. The crater of Dag­ny­hau­gen is open to the east, and a clear­ly vis­i­ble lava flow left the crater through this open­ing. Many young vol­canic bombs are now lying on the sur­face of this lava flow.

William Scores­by observed vol­canic activ­i­ty at Eskkrateret in 1818, but he was not the first one to do so. Already in 1732, Johan Ander­son, who was (or became lat­er) may­or of Ham­burg, saw “big flames resem­bling strong light­ning and a hor­ri­ble bang­ing and thun­der­ing, and final­ly a big and thick cloud of steam. Which put the ships in great hor­ror, as they could not sail away, and they could not know, what would fol­low for them from this fire and what would come over them. But the fire last­ed only an Eth­mal, as the sailors are say­ing, that is 24 hours, and the moun­tain did not open itself on the top either, and much less did it throw out stones or any­thing of this kind.”

(own trans­la­tion from a quo­ta­tion tak­en from the Jan Mayen book).


last modification: 2021-08-01
copyright: Rolf Stange