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Links and literature

Jan Mayen Links


Jan Mayen book (Rolf Stange)

Eng­lish literature

  • Duf­ferin, Fred­er­ick Hamil­ton (first edi­tion 1856): Let­ters from high lat­i­tudes. Being some account of a voy­age in 1856 in the schooner yacht ‘Foam’ to Ice­land, Jan Mayen and Spitzber­gen. – Lon­don. Var­i­ous edi­tions are avail­able, easy to find on the internet.
  • Hac­que­bord, Louwrens (edi­tor, var­i­ous authors, 1998): Jan Mayen. Vul­canic Island in the North Atlantic Ocean – pub­lished as vol­ume 13 (2/1998) of the ‘Cir­cum­po­lar Jour­nal’ by the Arc­tic Cen­tre in Groningen/The Nether­lands. 111 pages, ISSN 0925-2177. Var­i­ous arti­cles on dif­fer­ent sub­jects, rang­ing from geol­o­gy to history.

If you can read Nor­we­gian, then the fol­low­ing titles are of interest:

  • Barr, Susan (2003): Jan Mayen. Norges utpost i vest. Øyas his­to­rie gjen­nom 1500 år. – Sec­ond edi­tion, Oslo, 266 pages, ISBN 82-300-0029-8. Com­pre­hen­sive book focussing most­ly on the his­to­ry. Norwegian.
  • Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Brekke, Bente; Alsos, Inger Greve; Hansen, John Richard (edi­tors, 1997): Natur- Og Kul­tur­miljøet på Jan Mayen. Med en vur­der­ing av vern­everdier, kunnskaps­be­hov og for­valt­ning. – Norsk Polar­in­sti­tutt, Med­delelser Nr. 144 (1997), 127 pages. Inven­to­ry of the nat­ur­al and his­tor­i­cal her­itage. Norwegian.
  • Skreslet, Stig (edi­tor, 2004): Jan Mayen Island in Sci­en­tif­ic Focus. Pro­ceed­ings of the NATO ARW on Joint Inter­na­tion­al Sci­en­tif­ic Obser­va­tion Facil­i­ty on Jan Mayen Island, Oslo, Nor­way from 11 to 15 Novem­ber 2003. Springer-Ver­lag New York Inc., New York, NY. 
  • Lønø, Odd (1974): Norske fangst­menns overv­in­tringer. Del II – Jan Mayen. – Norsk Polar­in­sti­tutt, Med­delelser Nr. 103, Oslo. The his­to­ry of hunt­ing and trap­ping. Norwegian.
last modification: 2021-08-01
copyright: Rolf Stange