Jan Mayen
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Photos, Webcam & Panos

Visu­al mate­r­i­al of var­i­ous sorts for your online tour to Jan Mayen. Almost as good as actu­al­ly being there 🙂 my per­son­al rec­om­men­da­tion: the panora­mas. They can real­ly give you the impres­sion of stand­ing there your­self, being able to watch out to all direc­tions. It may take a sec­ond of get­ting used to, but then … enjoy! And there is a cool video of our expe­di­tion to the top of Beeren­berg in 2015 made by Pas­cal Prinz at the bot­tom of this page.


Video: Beerenberg 2015

Climb­ing Beeren­berg, 2015. Video by Pas­cal Prinz.

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More Infor­ma­tion

Jan Mayen and Beeren­berg 2015, by Pas­cal Prinz

last modification: 2024-06-14
copyright: Rolf Stange